Standard Terms & Conditions for Temporary Workers
Temporary Workers are engaged by Concept Information Technology Limited trading as Concept Resourcing (“Concept”), under a contract for services, the terms of which are set out below and which apply to each and every assignment.
Assignment means work performed by the Temporary Worker for the client for a period of time during which the Temporary Worker is supplied by Concept to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the Client;
AWR means the Agency Workers Regulations 2010;
Calendar Week means any period of seven days starting on a Sunday and ending on the following Saturday which counts towards the Qualifying Period;
Client means the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated person, firm or corporate body (as the case may be) to whom the Temporary Worker is supplied or introduced;
Pay means any sums payable to a worker in connection with the worker’s Assignment including, basic gross salary, any fee, bonus attributable to individual performance, commission, paid holiday entitlement including statutory paid holiday and any additional contractual paid holiday entitlement, vouchers with a cash value, overtime, dangerous of difficult work or other shift premium and any other emolument referable to the Assignment but excluding any payments within Regulation 6 (3) of the AWR;
Qualifying Period means 12 continuous (as defined by Regulation 7 of the AWR) Calendar Weeks during the whole or part of which the Temporary Worker is supplied to work for and under the direction and control of the Client in the same role by Concept or other temporary work agency (as defined by Regulation 4 of the AWR);
Temporary Worker means the worker supplied by Concept to provide services to the Client under the direct control, supervision and direction of the Client;
- All and any business undertaken by Concept Information Technology Limited trading as Concept Resourcing (“Concept”) is transacted subject to these terms and conditions. Concept is operating in the capacity of an employment business.
- Concept will endeavour to obtain suitable Assignments for the Temporary Worker with Clients requiring such a Temporary Worker. The types of work and expected rates of pay to be sought on behalf of the Temporary Worker are outlined in the candidate registration schedule, provided to the Candidate on first registering with Concept. Final terms and conditions will be issued at the commencement of an assignment, detailing the actual rate of pay and the type of work to be undertaken.
- Concept reserves the right to offer any Assignment to such Temporary Worker as it may elect where that Assignment is suitable for several Temporary Workers. The Temporary Worker is under no obligation to accept such an offer but, if accepted, he/she owes the normal common law duties of a worker as far as they are reasonably applicable.
- It is a condition of this Agreement that the Temporary Worker shall, before the commencement of any assignment, have provided Concept with:
(i) details of any work since 1 October 2011 the Temporary Worker has performed for the Client in the same or a similar role to the Assignment via any third party which may count towards the Qualifying Period to enable Concept to comply with its obligations under the AWR;
(ii) satisfactory evidence of the Temporary Worker’s identity (which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Temporary Worker’s passport or birth certificate and National Insurance documentation);
(iii) confirmation of the Temporary Worker’s right to work in the UK or other location as specified by the Client. For the avoidance of doubt, Concept shall be entitled to terminate, cancel or withdraw any assignment, without any liability to the Temporary Worker in the event that the Temporary Worker’s right to work is cancelled or expires for any reason or in the event that the Temporary Worker is not able to satisfy Concept’s requirements under this clause 4.
- If, in respect of any assignment, the Temporary Worker is required by law, any professional body or by the Client to hold any qualifications and/or authorisations, the Temporary Worker shall provide Concept with: (a) up to date copies of such qualifications or authorisations; and (b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Temporary Worker) who the Temporary Worker agrees that Concept may approach for the purpose of obtaining references about the Temporary Worker. The Temporary Worker also consents to the disclosure of such qualifications, authorisations and/or references by Concept to the Client.
- (a) Concept shall pay to the Temporary Worker wages calculated at an hourly/daily/weekly/monthly rate, to be determined prior to the commencement of the assignment, subject to deductions for the purpose of National Insurance, PAYE, or any other purpose for which Concept is required by law to make deductions. The standard payment interval will be weekly or as otherwise agreed prior to the Assignment commencing. The Temporary Worker shall be required to provide time sheets duly authorised by the Client, as directed by Concept, agreeing the hours worked by the Temporary Worker on a weekly basis.
(b) The Temporary Worker shall promptly comply with any other rule or request (either from the Client or Concept) to provide information and/or documentation in respect of the hours worked by the Temporary Worker. Failure by the Temporary Worker to provide any evidence of hours worked may delay payment for such hours. Concept will not withhold payment of the Temporary Worker’s wages through reason of non-receipt of payments from the Client.
(c) The Temporary Worker becomes entitled under the AWR to Pay after the end of the Qualifying Period. Pay is calculated by Concept in consultation with the Client prior to the start of each Assignment. For the avoidance of doubt Pay as defined in these terms will be the remuneration the Temporary Worker would have received had the Temporary Worker been directly engaged by the Client at the start of the Qualifying Period.
(d) The Temporary Worker is not obliged to work any particular number of hours per day or week. However if the Client requests the Temporary Worker to perform any work outside the normal working hours of the Client’s business it will be entirely at the Temporary Worker’s discretion whether s/he performs such work. If the Temporary Worker agrees to perform work outside the Client’s normal working hours the Temporary Worker will be paid for those hours at the rate s/he would have received had the Temporary Worker been directly engaged by the Client at the start of the Qualifying Period.
- (a) The holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. The Temporary Worker will have a statutory annual entitlement to 5.6 weeks paid holiday per year. If the statutory paid holiday entitlement is subsequently decreased or increased then entitlement to leave under this clause will be decreased or increased accordingly for any period in which work is carried out. The Temporary Worker’s holiday pay for the 4 week statutory minimum holiday entitlement under the Working Time Directive will be calculated on their basic pay rate together with any additional payment intrinsically linked to tasks the Temporary Worker is required to carry out on Assignment.
(b) Entitlement to payment for holiday accrues in proportion to the amount of time worked continuously by the Temporary Worker on Assignment during the leave year. Payment is calculated on the basis of rates paid during the Client’s normal working hours. The Temporary Worker is paid for holiday entitlement either at the time the holiday is taken by the Temporary Worker during the course of an Assignment or on termination of an Assignment. Any bank or statutory holidays taken as paid holiday will be included within this entitlement;
(c) In addition to the statutory minimum paid holiday entitlement under the Working Time Regulations 1998, the Temporary Worker is entitled under AWR to any additional contractual paid holiday applicable to the role at the end of the Qualifying Period. Any additional contractual entitlement will be accounted for in the Temporary Worker’s Pay in accordance with the provisions of clause 6(c).
(d) Any holiday not taken by the end of the holiday year in which the entitlement arises is forfeited. It may not be carried forward and Concept will not make any payment in lieu;
(e) Where a Temporary Worker wishes to take holiday during the course of an Assignment he/she should notify Concept of the intended holiday dates giving notice of at least twice the length of the period of leave he/she wishes to take. In certain circumstances Concept may give written counter-notice to the Temporary Worker to postpone or reduce the amount of leave that the Temporary Worker wishes to take giving the Temporary Worker at least the same length of notice as the period of leave that it wishes to postpone or reduce it by.
- The Temporary Worker shall at all times when services are due to a Client comply with the following conditions:
(a) Not to engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Client;
(b) To be present during the times or for the total number of hours during each day and/or week as may be agreed with the Client. The Temporary Worker agrees that in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Working Time Regulations 1998, the provisions contained in Regulation 4, stating that working time shall not exceed an average of 48 hours for each seven day period (running Sunday to Saturday) should not apply. The Temporary Worker may withdraw from this option on giving 14 days written notice. If the Temporary Worker provides services through a limited company, these terms constitute consent for the purpose of Regulation 5 unless consent is withdrawn on notice and in writing to both the limited company and to Concept.
(c) To take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions at work;
(d) To comply with any rules or obligations relating to discipline and/or health and safety in force from time to time at the premises where services are performed to the extent that they are reasonably applicable;
(e) To comply with all reasonable instructions and requests regarding the scope of the agreed services made by the Client;
(f) Not to at any time during or after any assignment divulge or make known to any person or any competitor of the Client, nor use for his/her own or any other person’s benefit any confidential information (which shall remain the property of the Client) in relation to the trade secrets, operations and business affairs of the Client. Further to immediately surrender all documents, samples, tools and equipment provided by the Client on the cessation of the assignment.
- All intellectual property conceived or made by the Temporary Worker (either alone or with others) in the course of any Assignment shall belong to the Client and the Temporary Worker agrees to assign all his/her interest in any such intellectual property to the Client or its nominee. If requested to do so, the Temporary Worker shall execute any documentation which the Client shall deem necessary to give effect to this provision.
- The Temporary Worker shall immediately inform Concept should he/she become aware of any reason or circumstances under which it would be detrimental to the interests of Concept, the Client or the Temporary Worker for the Assignment to continue.
- Concept shall be under no obligation to provide work for the Temporary Worker and this Agreement creates no obligation on Concept to provide the Temporary Worker with a specified number of hours work in any day or any week.
- Either Concept or the Client may terminate an Assignment without notice or liability at any time and for any reason and instruct the Temporary Worker to leave the Assignment accordingly. Equally the Temporary Worker may terminate an Assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.
- The Temporary Worker should not engage in any conduct, which is detrimental to the interests of Concept, would negatively affect Concept’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring Concept into disrepute.
- The Temporary Worker having any complaint in connection with the temporary work, or the conduct or relations with Concept or the Client or any employee of Concept or the Client shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Director or Senior Manager of Concept.
- The Temporary Worker and Concept acknowledge and agree that this Agreement constitutes a contract for services and shall not create an employer/employee relationship between Concept and the Temporary Worker.
- Concept does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Temporary Worker as a result of this Assignment being terminated by either Concept or the Client.
- Unless agreed otherwise in writing the Temporary Worker shall be paid on a PAYE basis. For the avoidance of doubt, the Temporary Worker shall not be treated as an employee of a limited company until all the required documentation has been provided by the Temporary Worker and/or the limited company to the satisfaction of Concept.
Standard Conditions and Guidance for Permanent Candidates
- All and any business undertaken by Concept Information Technology Limited trading as Concept Resourcing (“Concept”) is transacted subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. Concept is acting in the capacity of an Employment Agency.
- Upon provision by the work-seeker (“Candidate”) of a full and accurate Curriculum Vitae, Concept shall, at its sole discretion, search for suitable employment positions on behalf of the Candidate. The type of employment sought for the Candidate will be as detailed on the Candidate Registration Schedule.
- Before any work finding services are provided the Candidate shall provide Concept with satisfactory evidence of the Candidate’s identity which shall include, but not be limited to, a certified copy of the Candidate’s passport or birth certificate.
If, in respect of any prospective employment, the Candidate is required by law, any professional body or by the hirer (“Client”) to hold or have any experience, training qualifications and/or authorisations, the Candidate shall provide Concept with:
(a) up to date copies of such qualifications and/or authorisations; and
(b) the names of two referees (who are not relatives of the Candidate) who the Candidate agrees that Concept may approach at any time for the purpose of obtaining references about the Candidate.
- The Candidate consents to the disclosure of all relevant information (which is reasonably required to progress any application) including but not limited to copies of qualifications, authorisations and/or references by Concept to the Client.
- The Candidate shall immediately inform Concept should there be any reason or circumstances of which he/she is aware under which it would be detrimental to the interests of Concept, the Client or the Candidate for the Candidate to take up a particular position with the Client.
- Concept shall be under no obligation to find employment for the Candidate.
- The Candidate should not engage in any conduct which is detrimental to the interests of Concept, would negatively affect Concept’s relationship with the Client or is likely to bring Concept into disrepute.
- The Candidate having any complaint in connection with the work finding services shall have the right to present a complaint in writing to a Senior Manager or Director of Concept.
- An offer of employment is not made until written details are received from the Client. Concept does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Candidate’s decision to resign from his/her current employment or engagement before or after receipt of the client’s written offer. Furthermore, Concept does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Candidate by reason of the Client withdrawing the offer of employment at any time for any reason.
- An offer of employment made by the Client may be subject to the Client obtaining satisfactory references or background checks on the Candidate.